Saturday, November 22, 2008

In His Hands

Everything is intertwined--
every lie has some truth smeared in the center--
yet not all things are equal.
An ant is not divine,
and yet is created with mastery.
Who can produce something with identical intricacy?
Everything is connected,
yet everything is separate and unique.
Each grain of sand, shaped differently than the others--
each blade of grass--
every star in the sky--
each has its own name.
Each has been called,
is known in whole by One,
voiced in love and perfect wisdom.
Only He knows their true name--
they know his voice.
Others try to imitate it,
but his tones are recorded in their minds.
No one can copy Him to perfection.
No false voice can draw them astray--
He holds them in his hand--
closely, but not with a death grip--
protective, but not confining--
so that He never loses them.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Ultimate Romance

The ultimate romance--
he sweeps me off my feet,
his love so tangible I can feel it pour through me,
reaching into the depths of my soul,
warming every single part of my being.
I shake with joy and excitement
as I see him or sense his presence nearing mine.
He showers me with gifts at every chance,
completely undeserved.
He cherishes me with every breath,
longing to spend every second with me.
In every action he's gentle,
always understanding, and wanting the best for me.
Yet he's jealous of my heart,
yearning to possess it in its whole.
He would never try to take it from me,
but waits patiently for me to present it of my own accord.
He is always ready to forgive when I make selfish choices
that hurt him,
never letting them ruin our relationship,
forgetting without fail every mistake I make.
He watches every sunset and sunrise with me,
taking joy in my delight.
We point out the stars together--
he's a master--he can tell me all their names.
Best of all, he loves me for who I am.
He knows I can be better than I am,
but loves me where I'm at.
Yes, I believe in true love.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Council of Mousse

Once upon a moose was a Carina. One fine day she was strolling through the woods, with Freddy the frog at her side, of course, when they happened upon a moose. Now Carina didn't know that meese hate frogs because they can't understand anything the little guys say. So as Freddy the frog sat there innocently by her side, the moose kept getting madder and madder. Carina couldn't understand why and became alarmed at the sight of the moose's red antlers. Suddenly, the moose charged without warning and swallowed both Carina and Freddy with one huge gulp! However, Carina wasn't one to let a moose intimidate her. She yelled at the moose from inside his belly, "I'm a black belt, you know! If you don't let me out in 3 seconds you'll be sorry!" Now the moose really had no clue how to get rid of people whom he had swallowed. In fact, he'd never swallowed someone whole before. But luckily, with all of Carina's motion, his stomach was so upset that he threw her back out. However, poor Freddy was still stuck inside the moose's stomach. But Carina was smart enough to know that a moose's favorite food is floating raspberries. Although they are very rare, Carina knew just where to find them. She ran off to catch some, then hurried back to the moose and Freddy. Then, with the tantalizing smell of the floating raspberries the moose's jaw slowly dropped down until Freddy could hop right out! The moose was happy with his berries and promised never to try and eat Freddy or Carina again--in fact, they all became friends and live hoppily ever after.


Wet walls,
glistening through the steady flow
of tears sliding down my face.
You broke something sacred--
now it's shattered--
left on the floor.
Yet you come back for more.
You think a smile fixes everything.
It can't be healed that easily.
Your smile can't lift the pieces off the ground--
glue them back together.
You don't comprehend--
I can't stuff your words back into your mouth--
But you continue to let them flow,
leaving me in ceaseless pain.
The hurt goes deeper than you realize.
I'm a good actor--
my mask is sealed.
But nothing lasts forever--
I won't be able to hide much longer.


that one word--
so many wish for the ability--
so many think it impossible--
I believe--
You don't fly by spreading your arms--
You don't fly using magical dust--
It's real--
you just have to find it--
You have to release--
to let go--
why do eagles soar--
why do bees buzz on by--
Flying is impossible--
but it's possible for those who believe--
you have to empty all else--
put your faith in Him--
looking straight ahead--
not left--
not right--
not behind--
at Him--
and Fly.

My Friend

There's a part of me that cares,
but I know I must move on.
I can't let you hurt me without trying--
I have to give you up to God.
I have to let you be what he intended you to be--
just a special friend whom he has given to me.
A friend that makes me laugh a lot
on days when I'm sad--
but you're not always perfect either--
no sometimes you make me mad.
But how many people in our lives
never disappoint us?
Never fear my companion,
for I'll always forgive--
I know who you are--
not perfect-- but my friend.