Thursday, January 1, 2009


Rise and stand!
Pick up your feet!
Today is the day we die.
Not to life,
no, not you or I--
we fall dead to a lie.
A lie pervading not minds
but souls--twisting
the truth of our hearts.
We follow not culture,
nor tradition or expectation,
but direct our feet towards One.
Why do we wallow in shallow thoughts,
tangoing with lust?
Why all the facade,
the showy performances,
the masks covering our imperfections?
He has said,"my power is made
perfect in your weakness".
Why not take the chance,
reveal all the flaws,
show the real people inside?
Rise up and stand!
Show the world!
Change is a verb--
we're a work in progress--
fully loved for who we are--
yet expected to conform
to His likeness.

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